Businesses and Places in Kittery, Maine
Kittery is a town in York County, Maine, United States. Home to the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard on Seavey's Island, Kittery includes Badger's Island, the seaside district of Kittery Point, and part of the Isles of Shoals. The town is a tourist destination known for its many outlet stores.
Phone Area Codes in Kittery, ME: 207,250,412,478,519,724,778,780
Kittery, Maine Popular Businesses and Place Categories
- Churches
- Hospitals
- Pharmacies
- Urgent Care
- Child Care
- Collages and Universities
- Supplemental Colleges
- Private Schools
- Public Schools
- Sports Venues
- Solid Waste Landfill
- Mobile Home Parks
- Nursing Homes
- Assisted Care
- Airports
- Public Transit Stations
- Public Health Departments
- Banks
- Credit Unions
- DHL Locations
- Fedex Locations
- UPS Store
- Walmart